
Showing posts from 2021

"Honey, May I PLEASE Have A Degree?"/I Have Mice In My Bones!!

 Since it's been a while since I've written anything (August 29th - lost my muse again, ah reckon 💔), I thought I'd combine two of the more humorous events occurring lately - hence the two titles. The first refers to a little "compromise" I try to reach with my wife Dondra over the thermostat settings. She likes it warm, I like it cool. I know this must sound familiar to many of my readers, but as you will find out, I have to actually "negotiate" for that one degree of coolness. What happens is -  I will add a "chore" to my already "numerous" ones, and for the rest of the afternoon and early evening, I get to enjoy my degree. Said chore might include the hated dusting, or cleaning the "hell-hole" that is my office. Her terminology - not mine. To me, it doesn't look that bad, and I can put my hands on anything I need within seconds. In all fairness to her, I must tell you that since her minor stroke several years ago, sh...

Some MORE Facts And Figures

 Yesterday's discussion dealt with the human  aspect of the new Infrastructure Bill. Today I want to add an "e" to the word "human" and take a look at what our Caregivers need from that angle. Currently, there are an estimated 53 million Americans serving as caregivers to their elderly family members who require care for their disabilities. They are not recompensed for that expense which comes at an emotional cost as well as the financial one. Figures released by the AARP indicate that on average, family caregivers spend about 24 hours a week along with $7.000.00 in out-of-pocket expenses. Paid Long-term Care is a dream for those family members, so they'll foot the bills on their own.

Some Facts And Figures......

........... about neurodegenerative disease.  The one I want to focus on in this entry is what is known as "Sandwich Care". That is, caring for an adult with Alzheimer's while also taking care of a child or children at home.  These caregivers constitute nearly 1 in 4 and nearly 60% of those folks rate their stress level as "very high" with 40% reporting symptoms of depression. Lest you think I'm referring to adult children taking care of their elderly parents with Alzheimer's, don't. Don't think that, because I want you to go back a little further in age. I want you to think of teenagers  taking care of their elderly parents. You remember teens, right? Those humans who, from the ages of 13 to 18 are supposed to be going to school and participating in extra-curricular activities such as sports and dating. Just being kids, in other words. Going to dances, proms, games. In short,  having fun ? Instead, we have children taking care of their sick par...

You Have Cholesterol On Your BRAIN!!!!

 But don't worry - it's supposed to be there, just like a certain amount is supposed to be in the rest of your body, where it makes cell membranes and manufactures hormones. What's on/in your brain though, (about 25%) works on creating myelin sheaths which protect your nerve cells, serving as insulation and acting as neurotransmitters. If those sheaths get damaged you might get neurological diseases such as our old friend, "Dr. Alzheimer" or "Dr. Parkinson". Protein is the culprit here (how'd you guess?) just as it is with Alzheimer's. TDP- 43 is the protein that's damaging the sheaths and if you don't have them (the sheaths) then your brain can't process the cholesterol properly and you get a neurodegenerative disease. In the words of the late Roseanne Rosannadanna, " It's always somethin' " So what's the answer? Well, controlling your cholesterol is a good thing, and letting the researchers isolate TDP-43 and t...

A Day In My Life - 2021

 It's probably not much different from yours, considering what's happening to and in our world, but since I have nothing else of any great importance going on that I can bitch about - humorously or otherwise - I will try to let you in on "A Day In My Life" 8:30 am - Awaken quietly - usually, my wife Dondra is still asleep. She and I are very light sleepers, so sleep eludes us much of the night - and take my meds. 9:00 am - Off to the bathroom to perform the morning rituals including hygiene. Luckily the hygiene portion is "ingrained" - otherwise, I would need a list on the mirror. 9:45 am - By now, Dondra is awake and I turn into the "Icewater/Ice-Coffee Getter" and I bring them to her bedside. It's part of OUR daily ritual, and I'd miss doing it if I didn't get to. If there are news or health issues to discuss, we do it then with me sitting at her bedside. This is also the time for the daily "neuro-check": One of us says ...

Issue#500/Glen Campbell

 500 Entries today! If you stayed with the journal since I began, thank you. If you'd like to continue reading my stuff here's a way: 1. To the far right of the title and at the bottom near the comments section,  you'll see a triangular little sign with a ball on each end 2. Click on that little sign 3. Choose "link" and copy/paste that link into your bookmarks 4. Or just send me an e-mail by clicking my name which is under the title highlighted in blue Until I can figure out how to get Blogger to accept a "subscribe" button that's the way we'll have to do it - sorry. Of course, you can also put the journal title on your desktop as a shortcut, but I will leave that to you. ========================================================= As you know, we lost a great guitarist and singer not too long ago - Glen Campbell. You probably have your own favorite song by Glen, so I won't post one here, but I did want to share with you a talk his wife Kim gav...

Brain Pills/Supplements: Do They Work?

Ever since I saw the commercial for the product that's made from jellyfish venom, I've wondered about this, and today I want to write about it here. A crazy thought: if you swam into a nest of jellyfish in the ocean and they all stung you at the same time, before you died - would you become the world's smartest human being for just a few seconds? No, of course, you wouldn't and even though I've exaggerated up there I still have a point to make: Don't waste your money. The most popular one is called Prevagen. Priced it lately? A recent check of my pharmacy lists it at $39.99. It's a supplement, so you can get it right off the shelf without a prescription. The trouble is the  lack of regulation by the FDA. The FDA simply has no idea how to get a handle on the regulation of these so-called "supplements", so they are allowed to flood the market with their false claims of improved memory and hardly any warnings about interactions with other drugs you ma...

"I Just HAD It!!!!!"

 Ever lose something you had 15 seconds ago?  Yeah, me too. I do it all the time, and that title up there is what I say - in a very exasperated tone of voice - when it happens. Sometimes I say something more, but I'll leave that to your imagination. My problem is focusing. Is that an Alzheimer's Dementia symptom? Or is it just because I'm 71? It can be a symptom. It may be one of the 10 signs you're getting into the territory where you can hide your own Easter eggs.  I won't list them all here but I'll concentrate on the one that's bothering me the most: this one (focus). I'll provide a link to the other 9 at the bottom of this entry. It will be courtesy of the Alzheimer's Association, which always provides a wealth of information. I urge you to go to their site and bookmark it. All kidding aside though, things I once   enjoyed, I now have to force myself to do. I just now turned to look at my 6 string guitar. I need to practice my scales, bu...

Covid-19 And Alzheimer's Dementia

 Are those of us with Alzheimer's related and other dementias, at a higher risk than someone who's healthier than us? This is a question I asked myself a few days ago and is the reason for this journal entry. Actually what I first asked was, "How has Covid slowed down important Alzheimer's research?", and that question is what led to the risk question. In this entry, I hope to provide a few more answers than I believed I would find. First off, if you  had Covid and survived, you are still likely to have after-effects from the virus. Loss of taste and smell being two of the most common. Another reason to get yourselves and/or your loved ones vaccinated. IMPORTANT: If you - like so many others - are waiting to get Covid and then get vaccinated ----- Who the hell put that  thought in your head??? First, you can't do it unless you self-quarantine for 10 days and by then your antibodies might be so weak they wouldn't be able to help you fight the virus and you ...

Thanks For Reading The Journal!

It is heartening to know we're international! I believe my readers who are furthest away include,  India, New Zealand, Viet Nam and of course, Germany, Sweden and the USA. Just joined are a couple of gaming friends from Montreal, Canada. And don't worry: All I can see is your location - nothing else!  IMPORTANT NOTE: If when  accessing the journal through your browser's address bar you get a notice saying the site is not secure, please check that you did NOT use the https prefix  For some reason Blogger goes bananas when that happens, and gives you that note. The site is SAFE and has been since 2008. Simply type wheretobud dot blogspot dot com WITHOUT the www. Thanks! Why is this important to me (your location, I mean)? Because it keeps my "creative juices" flowing. I sometimes sit here at my desk and write journal entries for three days hence. That never used to happen, so thank you! If I might ask one more favor from you, dear reader? Tell your friends about us....

A Joke For Ya'!

A doctor got a call from a elderly blonde woman, who screamed “Doc, get over here, I’m in a lot of pain!” The doctor raced to the  woman’s house and saw that her ears were both badly burned. The doctor treated the burns, then asked her how it had happened. The woman said sheepishly, ”Well, I was ironing the clothes, when a friend of mine called me up. I was so dumb! Instead of reaching for the phone, I held the hot iron up to my left ear and burned it.” “Oh,” said the doctor. “Then, how did you burn the RIGHT ear?’ “Well,” the woman replied, “I had to call YOU, didn’t I?” ========================================================= Now before y'all jump me about being "politically incorrect", remember this Journal takes a lot of poetic license. That means if it's funny and it's about getting old and/or dementia AND it makes ME laugh, it may very well make it into the journal. No ruffling of anyone's "feathers" intended.  As a matter of fact, you...

"Mass Hysteria?" REALLY?

 Overheard in my doctor's waiting room this morning after a patient showed up without a mask and was handed one by the nurse: "I wish folks would get over this mass hysteria and turn their tv's off !" He put the mask on,  but took forever to get it tied and even then left his nose exposed. My   2 cents? Put them in a Haz-Mat suit and take them through an ICU that has a ventilated patient in every bed, and let them read the signs on the bed which read "Covid 19". Because most of the patients will need sedation to be able to endure the endotracheal tube down their windpipe, this gentleman won't see a TV in the room. What he would see would be some family members tearfully saying their final "Goodbyes" and "I love you's". Do I sound like the "Ghost Of Christmas Future" to you? Well, so be it. This is the time for hoping that someone  will come to their senses and do the right thing. I mentioned on Facebook a few weeks ago, ...

Me, The Guitar And Dementia

 A year and a half ago, when I found out I had cancer of the prostate, I packed up all of my guitars (drums were already in their cases) thinking to save my wife the trouble when "The Day" gets here. I had forgotten all about some wonderfully talented friends of mine who can play rings around me on guitar (well, to be fair - I'm primarily a drummer) and can write a song at the drop of a hat. One of those friends -  James,  just needs a subject and off he goes! They all downplay their talents to the point of being aggravating, but I understand: they are artists in it for the love of playing and singing. They're not in it for the money, in other words. Recently, I asked them to write me a song about "Goals" (to call attention to the upcoming Walk To End Alzheimer's), and damned if they didn't come through for me within three days! I asked Jim for permission to feature his song here and with your permission and because I was so touched by what he wrote,...

Thank You, Simone Biles And Naomi Osaka

If there were an ideal description of a "True Olympian", I would expect these ladies' photos to accompany the definition. In addition to bringing home a total of 7 medals (counting both Rio and Tokyo),, Simone opened up (and made us  aware) of something called "Air Awareness "   or "Twisties"  which are defined as a "sensation gymnasts can develop when they lose their sense of control in the air." Very scary terminology - especially when one considers one could end up paralyzed were he or she to lose that awareness. So my thanks to Ms. Biles for her candor in speaking of this. I empathized with her worried demeanor as she made the decision to finish with the Bronze medal, which must have meant more than the Gold. I include below a short clip of Simone finishing up on the beam and that smile at the end just says it all! I would be remiss if I did not mention the other athlete, Naomi Osaka. Ms. Osaka sadly was eliminated in the third round of t...

Senior Moments/Brain Farts

 Hello, Need a laugh and a smile? A friend sent me this video and I find myself in almost every line. Listen and see how many you  recognize Also, please don't forget to join my  "Walk To End Alzheimer's" . Just click on the link to donate or join my team! Mark Oct.16th on your calendar. Walk registration is at 9 am. Thanks Bill

For Your Listening Pleasure: Podcast Is Coming!

 I've decided to turn this journal into a podcast effective 9.7.21. This will free up my readers to listen while washing dishes, the dog or their hair (which may make it harder to hear). I decided on this means of communication to finally "get with the program", as it were and provide y'all with a little more content. (More content because once I get started running my mouth, I can't always  stop easily) 😃 So look forward to my first podcast journal entry the Tuesday after our Labor Day Holiday. Thanks, Bill

Veterans With Alzheimer's

As one might suspect, it is damned hard to diagnose a veteran with Alzheimer's-related Dementia. First you have to find us, then you have to hold on to us long enough to do some definitive tests. If we're on the street with substance abuse problems - good luck with that. And luck is what I had in doing some research for this journal entry. Even though I had my doubts I'd find what I needed (hard, mostly accurate figures), I googled "Veterans With Alzheimer's And Related Dementias (AD/ADRD)" and the search engine spewed out enough for me to create a surprisingly optimistic entry for my journal - most of it dating back to only March of 2021, Don't worry - I won't regurgitate what I found, but I will link you to at least two well-written articles and abstracts which will give us some answers. If you or a loved one has Alzheimer's or any of the related dementias, I encourage you to read these articles. They will: 1) inform you of your vet's homeles...

Congratulations, "Underdog" Bobby Finke - OLYMPIAN - Gold Medallist

 I know: This ain't about dementia or cancer. What it is  about is a young American named Bobby Finke who exemplifies the American Spirit by giving it that extra "push" when it counted. My own  favorite Olympic sport is fencing, and I may write about that later, but right now, my "Star of The Show" is Bobby. When clicking on the below link, you may see the "Video Is Unavailable". Just click "Watch On YouTube" to see it. With 74 more days until "The Walk To End Alzheimer's" I hope this happens to us on October 16th. Not only do I plan for "Team Where To, Bud" to make our $100.00 goal, but we'll go all the way to $1,000.00!   Click the link below to join our team and/or donate. You can even walk from home! Thanks for reading, and Bobby Finke, YOU ROCK!   Go  here  to join the team and/or donate to The Walk.......

From The "Draft" Vault ca. 2015 - Author Unknown

On Aging (Apologies To Dr. Seuss) I cannot see I cannot pee I cannot chew I cannot screw Oh, my God, what can  I do? My memory shrinks My hearing stinks No sense of smell I look like hell My mood is bad -- can you tell? My body's drooping Have trouble pooping The Golden Years have come at last The Golden Years can kiss my ass! ===================================================== =============================================== If you know the author, please let me know in the comments, and I will attribute. Thanks Bill Please don't forget to register and join my team here: The Walk To End Alzheimer's

Who's Yer' Buddy? Who's Yer' Pal And.......

.... who's just an acquaintance ? It seems simple when you think about it, doesn't it? Just make an imaginary mini-file cabinet and label accordingly? When you put it into perspective, however, it really isn't. Not in our culture, anyway. We don't use the word "acquaintance" enough. It's an awkward word - especially when you have to introduce the person in question to someone else: "Hey, John! I'd like to introduce you to an acquaintance of mine!" No, of course  you don't use the word in  front of the introductee (is that a word?). You might fudge a little and use "friend" instead, but revert back to an  acquaintance as soon as you can, maybe leaving the other guy wondering just what his or her role is . Sometimes you may feel you have an affinity or a bond with someone, but maybe that's just what you think is going on, so you try a little harder to see if there's any commonality. You open up a little. Could be ...

The Walk To End Alzheimer's

 Today, after speaking with West Georgia Walk chairperson Snapper Freeman, I committed to participating in this year's event which takes place on Hobbs Farm here in Carrollton, GA. on October 16th.-  9:00 am. My usual link at the bottom of the page - instead of taking you to the general home page for the walk - will take you instead to our team's page. The team name will be (you guessed it) "Where To, Bud?" (to a successful "Finish Line", we hope.) Since I don't know many of you personally, I decided to support myself as my own team. Should you decide to contribute, your donation will be counted toward the team's overall success. Also, if you wish to join the team, you may do so on the site. All are welcome. The link below will also allow you to form your own team and raise funds to support Alzheimer's research. It all counts, folks, and if you'd like to make it count for someone special in your life, you can dedicate your walk to honor that ...

***Under Re-Construction*** Re-Constructed And Ready To Read

First, thanks to all new readers of my journal. If you find it humorous and/or informative it would be great if you'd pass the web address on to your friends who may be in need of a laugh or to discover something they did not know. In the case of the latter, I try always to make certain the information is correct and up to date. If it is not, one has only to utilize the comments section to set me straight. Also, I work well under pressure. I have begun to assign myself "deadlines" and, as of this writing (July 27th) I have written ahead 4 "episodes". This one will "air" on 7.31.2121.. Admittedly, my "style" is more conversational than formal. I find I am more easily read that way, and if you see me use colloquialisms written to appear as misspells or typos, they are meant to be there. Y'all. ============================================================== Got suggestions? Write. How about "What is a typical day for me"? I can do t...

Watch Your Meds!!!

 I don't care what's wrong with you - you need to be your own doctor in reading up on the meds prescribed for you because 9 times out of 10 your physician won't have time or take time to do it for you. Sorry, but it's a fact of life and if it isn't stopped at the pharmacy, you may wind up taking something that's got some bad interactions with your other meds or may affect you adversely in that you might be allergic to its ingredients. You are the captain of your own ship, the "USS Body", and if you don't know how to navigate her "waters" she just might sink out from under you. (How's that for metaphorical speech? 😃 ) As I generally do, I'll use myself as an example, and this has nothing to do with my cancer or dementia, but with pain. My VA nurse practitioner felt I might benefit from a drug called "Neurontin" or "Gabapentin" as it's known generically. It is used to treat nerve pain - in my case, Sciatica ...

"Them Aliens"! Part 2: The Fermi Paradox

 If the Fermi Paradox is new UFO terminology to you, let me give you the "short and dirty", okay? If there are sooo many worlds and suns capable of supporting life, then where they (The E.T.'s) at? Just  a little street talk for the kids among you. As I mentioned previously, countries such as Russia and China have long ago conceded the existence of extra-terrestrials and recent evidence (such as the "Tic-Tac" sightings) led to the famous Pentagon document we saw earlier this month.  So there's where we got the Paradox "theory" - from American - Italian physicist Enrico Fermi. There's also the "Drake Equation" which we wl discuss later. Paradoxes and Equations aside, I think the majority of us want them to "fix" our broken world, don't you? Think about it: We're going to Mars with an idea to colonize it,  for cryin' out loud! I don't know about you, but I don't particularly want to live there! I'm not ...

"Them Aliens"!

We certainly "opened the door" to them, didn't we? Now, after all this time, everything may be anti-climactic to all of us and they may not want anything further to do with Earthlings. If you'll give it some thought, would you want anything to do with us? If I were an ET, I'd see Earthlings as a violent, ugly race ready to kill at the drop of a hat and I'd leave skid-marks in the air leaving this planet. What? I forgot "World Peace"? We're going to convince "them aliens" that after we tested the atom bomb,  dropped two nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that we want to be peaceful??? I don't think they'd be that stupid, bro. Question: Were we the last hold-out to admit to their existence? If so, where are they? Let's hope they're not lying in wait for another "Mars Attacks" scenario and they're probably already pissed at us for how we've portrayed them in movies. In addition to laughing themselves silly ...

As Far As The (Prostate) Cancer........

 ........even if one is in remission, one continues to see one's oncologist, and I see mine once every three months. I'm not as much "in control" of it as I am with my dementia, so there's really only the treatment to tell you about. The whole thing began in early 2018. Our son, Jason had passed 7 months prior and our lives were still in turmoil.  I credit my VA Nurse Practioner, who, during some routine labwork noticed my PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) going up and up. Due to her diligence, I was able to get into the VA's "Community Care" program and was able to be seen by doctors at Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) at their Atlanta Hospital. I won't go into detail regarding why I was so glad to be seen by them, but let's just say they saved my life. The first item of "business" was for my urologist to determine the amount of cancer I had sustained. First I need to tell you I have had an enlarged prostate gland most of m...

Are You FOLLOWING The Journal ("Blog")?

 If so, please be aware that as of August, I will no longer be able to notify you of new posts by e-mail. That service will be discontinued, so if you want to continue to follow me, I suggest you note my web address ( somewhere.  You would honor me if you'd find a place for me on your desktop, for instance, but as long as you have it somewhere you won't have to google it every time. Thanks Bill EDITED TO ADD: The name of the service to be discontinued is "Feedburner", so if by chance you get a note from them or you continue to get notifications about the journal, please let me know. I did some monkeying around with the settings which MAY allow the service to continue notifying you, but I won't know unless I find out from you. Thanks

Alzheimer's Dementia "Case Study" Part 3

 Thanks for coming this far with me, -"Crash-Test Dummy Bill"- in exploring MCI ("Mild Cognitive Impairment") Let's recap. You've noticed yourself getting more forgetful than normal You're more anxious - more impulsive in your day to day life You're hesitant with your words - oftentimes forgetting them, even And many many more, including depression, aggression and apathy So you and your doctor have concluded that, yes, you are mildly impaired, cognitively. What's next? Before we get to that, remember I told you a few posts ago there are 10 kinds of dementia? (I may have written 11 before, but the figure has been revised.) Here they are: Alzheimer's Vascular Lewy Body Parkinson's' Frontotemporal Creuzfeld-Jakob (aka "Human Mad Cow Disease") Wernicke-Korsakoff Mixed Huntington's Disease Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus I told you about these so you wouldn't think Alzheimer's is the only type of dementia. None of the a...

Alzheimer's Dementia "Case Study" Part 2

 Here is where I have to tread carefully with my words. I am not now, nor have I ever been a physician and it is not my intent to represent myself as one, Simply put, I am a retired respiratory therapist who has had experience with being tested and diagnosed with simple dementia and nothing I write in this journal is to be taken as anything except a telling of my experiences. For a definitive answer to any question you may have, nothing can replace the advice of your own physician. We good on all of the above ?😎😎 Great! Let us continue. ============================================== Meanwhile, back at the farm.......All tests are in and your doc has called you in for a conference, After your nurse obtains your vital signs, your doctor comes in and tells you that in his opinion you have MCI ("Mild Cognitive Impairment", remember?). Going to stop here to tell you there are some quotes coming within this entry and I am attributing them all to The Mayo Clinic. Okay, "Mild ...

Alzheimer's Dementia "Case Study"

Your Assessment For Alzheimer's Dementia.... .....will generally begin with your Primary Care Provider (PCP) unless you are already being counselled by a mental health professional who has an MD behind his or her name. Following a simple "Acuity Assessment" more formally known as "MoCA" for "Montreal Cognitive Assessment" your physician may or may not refer you further to a neurologist. It depends on how you do on the MoCA which takes about 10 minutes and consists of some words to remember, drawing a certain time on the face of a clock, and identifying some animals or objects. You may also be asked to count backward from 100 by groupings of three. If all this seems a mite familiar, it should. Former President Trump underwent the same test while he was in office. To keep myself occupied while waiting on an appointment with any of my docs, I do prime numbers in my head.  Prime numbers are whole numbers greater than 1 that have only 2 factors - 1 and the ...
  Note: As of today this will no longer be known as my "Blog" but as my "Journal". I never liked the word "blog" all that much as it reminds me of a kid throwing up. I'm "old school" so let's make that change together - thanks As you will no doubt have noticed, I stay away from politics here. My feelings are it doesn't benefit either of us to get into a tussle about it and I'd rather concentrate on things such as Alzheimer's Dementia (I began calling it that several years ago). Yes, it is a disease, but it is also one of the 11 types of dementia, so in my opinion, it belongs under the "dementia" umbrella:. Agree/Disagree? Let me know in the comments section. Because it has been a while since we last discussed dementia, let's use me as our "Crash-Test Dummy". I will create a "case study" which will include vital signs, diagnoses, pertinent lab values and prognoses. Because I would like this to...

It's Late In The 4th, Sports Fans!

 When I began working as a respiratory therapist many years ago,  I thought I was "King Shit of Turd Mountain".  If you smoked, I - fresh out of school with my new white lab coat on - would get all altruistic on ya and tell you how one could recover a certain amount of lung function if one only stopped smoking. I would speak to students and watch their eyes get saucer-huge as I'd show them the slides of Black Lung and Lung Cancer and explain how, if one has COPD, one could die on 100% oxygen because effective respiration ceases to take place and you would "suffocate if we don't shove a tube down your windpipe and hook you up to mechanical life support." I used simple words like "windpipe" rather than "trachea" because I knew if I didn't their eyes would get glassy and I'd lose them. I also used 1st and 2nd person pronouns. I didn't pull punches - even back then. I told myself I was doing good work, but of course, once a person...

Diff'rent Strokes For Diff'rent Folks? Really?

 I don't know if that's true anymore, brothers and sisters. Now we all have to protect ourselves against one common enemy, and he's not in a tank. "He" works on us from the inside. You think I may be on a different tangent here? You're right. This one isn't something for the memoirs or pulled out of my so-called "history". It's about the Truth. I won't beleaguer you with the latest news. If you're here on my Journal, then you get credit for at least some  smarts. 😛 This entry is about the absolute least you must do if you have already decided to cast your fate to the wind, as it were. Before I begin, fairness dictates I tell you I don't believe in an Interventionist God. Oh, I believe in a higher power, just not that He's going to pull our "fat out of the fire" because it suits Him to do so, So if you've decided all you hear about Covid and its latest variant is "fake news", here's what you need ...

Caution Is NOT Fear - Ask Any Navy Seal....

..... But a little fear (okay - maybe a lot ) will help to boost that caution. They're symbiotic, aren't they? Well, I believe they are, and maybe I can convince someone else of that.   Back to back blog entries (God, I hate that word: blog -  "Blarg!"! Sounds like a little kid trying to puke.) It's a JOURNAL , dammit!) ? Ja, I think I found my muse again - or she found me - so you get a double helping of "drivel" (another sound-alike word: "gruel") from me, your fellow "space traveler".. Okay, let's go..... Fear and Caution, not one and the same but taken together, they could turn someone into a fighter/protector. Gotta be smart and wise too, though. Fear/Caution aren't going to help you much if you're a dumb-ass. We've spoken of this in the previous entry, but it bears repeating: GET VACCINATED!   And yeah, I know I'm yelling, but in this instance, I think netiquette will allow it. We may be headed fo...

Wow! Another Whole Year (plus) Gone By Already!

EVE     [pssst! Remember to "scroll down" at Read More. Thanks]  How are you doing? Hope you're still alive after this madness, chaos and meanness .  So many dead in one form or another. If the virus doesn't/didn't get you, a bullet might have/will. Not much of an outlook is it, yet we have to persevere. The Dark Ages had the Black Plague - millions dead - and we're going through pretty much the same, allowing for an update on weaponry either to kill or weaponry to save lives. Did you get vaccinated? Both shots? It's up to you, of course; it's still just a choice you have to make. Do I care if you get vaxxed? Of course,  I do. I don't want you breathing that shit in my face and making me or my loved ones sick and killing us There's an old song with the words, "There are none so blind as those who will not see.", and that's what's wrong. We know people are dying, and we see the numbers, but we don't see to take that extra s...