"Mass Hysteria?" REALLY?

 Overheard in my doctor's waiting room this morning after a patient showed up without a mask and was handed one by the nurse: "I wish folks would get over this mass hysteria and turn their tv's off!"

He put the mask on,  but took forever to get it tied and even then left his nose exposed.

My  2 cents? Put them in a Haz-Mat suit and take them through an ICU that has a ventilated patient in every bed, and let them read the signs on the bed which read "Covid 19". Because most of the patients will need sedation to be able to endure the endotracheal tube down their windpipe, this gentleman won't see a TV in the room. What he would see would be some family members tearfully saying their final "Goodbyes" and "I love you's".

Do I sound like the "Ghost Of Christmas Future" to you? Well, so be it. This is the time for hoping that someone will come to their senses and do the right thing.

I mentioned on Facebook a few weeks ago, I thought folks were finally getting scared enough to  get themselves and their children vaccinated, but then I saw this "preacher" on CNN, telling his congregation.... well, I think you'd better hear and see this for yourselves.....


 The strange thing about this guy? Several of his "flock" have already died from Covid-19. Nothing to say about that, Pastor?

Oh, of course he has something to say: "It's God's will!"

I have stated before that while I do believe in Him, I don't believe he necessarily intervenes in what happens to us. He gave us "free will" and everything else is left up to us - good luck. So the pastor in the above video clip has absolutely no power over you, certainly not any "God-given" power.

I will close with this: This time the children are affected more than before. This time they can die and this time there's no age restrictions.

If I had such a parent in front of me and that Mom or Dad refused the vaccine on their behalf, I would have to ask: "Is this what you want for your child? No? Then take a chance on saving his or her life with the vaccine, because if you don't let them have the vaccine, you are all but guaranteeing their death.

I wish I could leave you on a brighter note today, but that "train" is starting to roll again and it's headed for the last stop for some. Will you be one of them?

Thanks for reading, and if you're wondering about "The Walk To End Alzheimer's". It will take place rain or shine and we'll be observing the proper precautions. 

I will update you here, but meanwhile please keep in mind we're going for Alzheimer's awareness as well as donations for research. Check in here for more information.



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