Wow! Another Whole Year (plus) Gone By Already!

EVE    [pssst! Remember to "scroll down" at Read More. Thanks]

 How are you doing? Hope you're still alive after this madness, chaos and meanness

So many dead in one form or another. If the virus doesn't/didn't get you, a bullet might have/will.

Not much of an outlook is it, yet we have to persevere.

The Dark Ages had the Black Plague - millions dead - and we're going through pretty much the same, allowing for an update on weaponry either to kill or weaponry to save lives.

Did you get vaccinated? Both shots? It's up to you, of course; it's still just a choice you have to make. Do I care if you get vaxxed? Of course, I do. I don't want you breathing that shit in my face and making me or my loved ones sick and killing us

There's an old song with the words, "There are none so blind as those who will not see.", and that's what's wrong. We know people are dying, and we see the numbers, but we don't see to take that extra step, and help save a life by protecting our own. Americans have always been about saving lives, not taking them or allowing them to be taken.

So what happened? Stay with me on this one, because I'm about to hit ya with "Bill Craig's Theory Of Mass Hysteria And Panic Shutdown". 

First off, they are not two different entities, they run together, those two. I have never tried to explain two things simultaneously, but I'll try: The hysteria begins when we first get the news and we all decide that "yeah, that's some bad shit, right there, Bro", and then the panic shutdown says, "Hell, can't you see it's gettin' away from them? Best thing to do is tell yourself, 'It's okay. Nothing's wrong. Why are all those folks walking around with masks? Maybe they're sick or something. Glad I'm not.'

Next thing you know, we're a nation of robots who stop and fall over when they run out of energy. Maybe they've forgotten all about that little one who now has no Mom or Dad, and now it's all about clinging to life because "This ain't what that IS! Why are y'all lying to me???".

But this is what that is, brothers and sisters and are you really willing to orphan your children for the sake of avoiding 2 shots that take a little bit of time out of your day? Orphan your kids because you won't keep your distance and/or wear a mask? Really? You'd do that? What's that - no of course you wouldn't? Okay - which is it? You'd orphan them, or you'd protect yourself to protect them?

Are you in a dilemma , Buckaroo? I believe you are.How do you snap out of it?

I don't know - it differs. Depends on the thickness of your skull and the distance between your head and ass. 

Variant D is already here, and we hope the present vaxx will protect us, but it's coming. Slow but packing a punch just like the last one. Do what you need to - like I said, right now you still have a choice.

On another topic, I am still my wife's caregiver and Dondra says hello. She is prone to falling, so I sleep with one eye open, so to speak, but that's okay too. I just hope I can stay well to protect her.

But that depends on you. You who are walking around in blissful ignorance, with your mean "game face" on, just daring (and even killing) people for asking you to mask up.

Here's a song I picked out. It's from the 60's and its link is at the top LEFT (where it says "EVE")

Before I conclude, I'd like to ask a favor: the next time you go to see your doctor or nurse practitioner - anyone who provides you with health care - take a few seconds and ask them how they're doing. We seldom do that, and I think it would be appreciated.

Thanks for reading and see you next time. Good Luck.

Your friend

Bill Craig


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