"Them Aliens"!

We certainly "opened the door" to them, didn't we?

Now, after all this time, everything may be anti-climactic to all of us and they may not want anything further to do with Earthlings. If you'll give it some thought, would you want anything to do with us? If I were an ET, I'd see Earthlings as a violent, ugly race ready to kill at the drop of a hat and I'd leave skid-marks in the air leaving this planet.

What? I forgot "World Peace"? We're going to convince "them aliens" that after we tested the atom bomb,  dropped two nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that we want to be peaceful??? I don't think they'd be that stupid, bro.

Question: Were we the last hold-out to admit to their existence? If so, where are they? Let's hope they're not lying in wait for another "Mars Attacks" scenario and they're probably already pissed at us for how we've portrayed them in movies. In addition to laughing themselves silly at Ray Walston's antennae in "My Favorite Martian".

Being "Mr. Altruistic", I'd like them to do some things for us contingent on us no longer killing ourselves. Get rid of our diseases comes to mind; help us live longer disease-free, and help us stop killing our Earth. They probably realize (as most of us do) that we're a little "late out of the gate" on that one, but may give us an "E for Effort".

Meanwhile back at the farm, we have our own little "aliens" we can trust to have our best interests in mind: our children. We pay them so little attention that they come out in droves as child prodigies, computer wizards, and physicians/researchers behind the scenes. Personally, I'd trust one of our kids with establishing diplomatic relations with "Marvin The Martian" than one of us adults. See? I'm already giving them fake names.

Does anyone "out there" have an opinion? Leave it in the comment section if you do.

While we wait on them aliens to show themselves, we do what we can, right? This includes helping to find a cure for Alzheimer's by signing up for the The Walk To End Alzheimer's. Do it. Get yourself sponsored and if you're local I'll see you out there on 10.16.2021.

Thanks for spending some time with me, and if you do see one of the "Greys", lay off the jokes. "Klaatu Barada Nikto" may just be their equivalent of "Yo Mama".


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