Note: As of today this will no longer be known as my "Blog" but as my "Journal". I never liked the word "blog" all that much as it reminds me of a kid throwing up. I'm "old school" so let's make that change together - thanks

As you will no doubt have noticed, I stay away from politics here. My feelings are it doesn't benefit either of us to get into a tussle about it and I'd rather concentrate on things such as Alzheimer's Dementia (I began calling it that several years ago). Yes, it is a disease, but it is also one of the 11 types of dementia, so in my opinion, it belongs under the "dementia" umbrella:. Agree/Disagree? Let me know in the comments section.

Because it has been a while since we last discussed dementia, let's use me as our "Crash-Test Dummy". I will create a "case study" which will include vital signs, diagnoses, pertinent lab values and prognoses.

Because I would like this to resemble an actual medical case study, the journal will take on the look of an actual medical "chart" and once I nail down the format, I hope to present a treatment plan for "myself" to include medication trials as well as predicted and actual "results". 

Even though the case study will be simulated, the medications will be "real" as far as names -  as will be a discussion (s) of side effects and interactions with other medication. If you have suggestions, I hope you will let me know by using the "comments" section of each day's entry.

This should be fun as well as educational for all of us.

To be continued....


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