A Joke For Ya'!

A doctor got a call from a elderly blonde woman, who screamed “Doc, get over here, I’m in a lot of pain!”

The doctor raced to the  woman’s house and saw that her ears were both badly burned. The doctor treated the burns, then asked her how it had happened.

The woman said sheepishly, ”Well, I was ironing the clothes, when a friend of mine called me up. I was so dumb! Instead of reaching for the phone, I held the hot iron up to my left ear and burned it.”

“Oh,” said the doctor. “Then, how did you burn the RIGHT ear?’

“Well,” the woman replied, “I had to call YOU, didn’t I?”

Now before y'all jump me about being "politically incorrect", remember this Journal takes a lot of poetic license. That means if it's funny and it's about getting old and/or dementia AND it makes ME laugh, it may very well make it into the journal. No ruffling of anyone's "feathers" intended. 

As a matter of fact, you are invited to submit any of yours in the comment section. If a joke makes it that far, more than likely it will be seen in the pages of  "Where To Bud?".

Remember, that "Where To Bud?" is also the name of our "Walk To End Alzheimer's" team and you can join us and/or make a donation to Alzheimer's research by clicking on the following link.

Thanks and have a beautiful and safe Sunday!



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