About Me

I'm a 74-year-old German-American and have lived in the US since 1960. I became a naturalized American citizen in 1970 in order to join the United States Air Force. I am a Viet Nam veteran and am proud to have done my part for my adoptive country.

I grew up in a small town called Villa Rica and furthered my education at what was then known as West Georgia College (it's the University of West Georgia today) where I majored in English literature with an emphasis on satire and minored in Journalism and Partying.

My wife Dondra and I had one son, Jason who passed on 6.17.17 and left us two grandchildren; Amber and Julian.  We currently reside in Carrollton Georgia and are both retired due to disabilities; Dondra's being physical (primarily pulmonary hypertension due to kidney disease) and mine Early Onset/Alzheimer's Dementia and Prostate Cancer (now in remission).

Until 2008, I worked as a respiratory therapist. Because I was going into cognitive decline I decided to have myself checked out and, after 18 years, left a career that brought me much satisfaction and happiness.

For fun, I like to play my drums, guitars and am an avid cyclist/runner. In 2006, I decided to put my love for my bicycle to good use and rode cross country from Dallas, Texas to Dallas, Georgia to promote and educate the public on behalf of the "Spay, Neuter and Adopt" project. We called my solo bike ride The Dallas TX To Dallas GA Ride For Wet Noses (sorry, pages have been taken down due to lack of funds) When we moved to Carrollton in 2008, we repeated the ride, this time called the Carrollton, TX To Carrollton GA Ride To Care (Page taken down due to lack of funds)..

Utilizing my journalistic skills, I decided to keep a record - a diary of sorts - of what's going on with me, my symptoms, and my personal research. This journal is that record and I hope you find it interesting, useful, and maybe a little entertaining as well.

Your comments are welcome and I hope you'll check in with me regularly.



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