You Have Cholesterol On Your BRAIN!!!!

 But don't worry - it's supposed to be there, just like a certain amount is supposed to be in the rest of your body, where it makes cell membranes and manufactures hormones.

What's on/in your brain though, (about 25%) works on creating myelin sheaths which protect your nerve cells, serving as insulation and acting as neurotransmitters. If those sheaths get damaged you might get neurological diseases such as our old friend, "Dr. Alzheimer" or "Dr. Parkinson".

Protein is the culprit here (how'd you guess?) just as it is with Alzheimer's. TDP- 43 is the protein that's damaging the sheaths and if you don't have them (the sheaths) then your brain can't process the cholesterol properly and you get a neurodegenerative disease.

In the words of the late Roseanne Rosannadanna, "It's always somethin' "

So what's the answer? Well, controlling your cholesterol is a good thing, and letting the researchers isolate TDP-43 and treat it is another. You already know that the so-called "bad" cholesterol affects your heart and causes strokes, and now you know a little more. 

Hope I didn't freak you out with the title! 😏

Remember, the body is a wonderful machine and if you maintain it properly it will adjust itself as it needs to. As wonderful as it is, however, sometimes it needs a little help and that's what the researchers are for. They, however, need our help with funding and that's where The Alzheimer's Association comes in.

Folks all over Georgia are participating in the Walk To End Alzheimer's. You can participate by donating to the Walk by clicking on the link and following the instructions there. If you can't join a team, you can still be a virtual team member. If you need help, write me a note in the message section on the front page.




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