***Under Re-Construction*** Re-Constructed And Ready To Read

First, thanks to all new readers of my journal. If you find it humorous and/or informative it would be great if you'd pass the web address on to your friends who may be in need of a laugh or to discover something they did not know. In the case of the latter, I try always to make certain the information is correct and up to date. If it is not, one has only to utilize the comments section to set me straight.

Also, I work well under pressure. I have begun to assign myself "deadlines" and, as of this writing (July 27th) I have written ahead 4 "episodes". This one will "air" on 7.31.2121..

Admittedly, my "style" is more conversational than formal. I find I am more easily read that way, and if you see me use colloquialisms written to appear as misspells or typos, they are meant to be there.



Got suggestions? Write.

How about "What is a typical day for me"? I can do that.

I've just never been good with quantum theory or even "string" theory, for that matter.

Which reminds me of a joke:

A string walks into a bar and orders a drink.

The bartender says, "We don't serve strings here. Get out!"

String goes outside twists himself up and goes back into the bar where the bartender asks, " Hey! Aren't you the string that was just in here?"

The string, frazzling his ends says, "No. I'm a frayed knot."



I didn't say all my jokes are funny, so feel free to share yours here in Comments. Speaking of which, I do proof all comments, so keep them relatively clean, okay? Thanks.

Okay - Now let's discuss the "Elephant In The Room".

Once upon a time, I worked as an "Alzheimer's Advocate" in conjunction with the Alzheimer's Association based in Atlanta.

I was honored to be invited to take part in a "mission" to visit our lawmakers in Washington, DC where I told my story regarding "Early Onset Alzheimer's" which you will find at the beginning of this journal. The problem was there was no one there to hear it. They were on Summer Break. As a result, we all told of our experiences to aides who were still in the office and who promised to pass our stories on.

It's too bad they weren't there. I would have loved to meet Senator Bernie Sanders, my own personal hero.

After that, the Association and I grew apart and went our separate ways; Me to my journal and they to their continued excellent efforts on behalf of Alzheimer's sufferers everywhere.

Following a lot of time and much thought, I came to the conclusion I had been an asshole, and although I have not rejoined the Alzheimer's Association wholly, I did register myself to participate in an upcoming Walk To End Alzheimer's. You can register to walk at your nearest location too. Just click on the link and take it from there.

It is important to note I myself am not asking for sponsorship. If you wish to, that's up to you, but since I am caregiver to my wife, walking is about the only thing I can commit to at the moment.

Thanks as always for your time reading this and see you next time.



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