Covid-19 And Alzheimer's Dementia

 Are those of us with Alzheimer's related and other dementias, at a higher risk than someone who's healthier than us?

This is a question I asked myself a few days ago and is the reason for this journal entry.

Actually what I first asked was, "How has Covid slowed down important Alzheimer's research?", and that question is what led to the risk question. In this entry, I hope to provide a few more answers than I believed I would find.

First off, if you had Covid and survived, you are still likely to have after-effects from the virus. Loss of taste and smell being two of the most common. Another reason to get yourselves and/or your loved ones vaccinated.

IMPORTANT: If you - like so many others - are waiting to get Covid and then get vaccinated ----- Who the hell put that thought in your head??? First, you can't do it unless you self-quarantine for 10 days and by then your antibodies might be so weak they wouldn't be able to help you fight the virus and you may die! If you make it those 10 days, then you can go for your shot. Do you really want to take that chance?

Now let's discuss the virtual Alzheimer's Association International Conference which was held on July 29th, 2021 in Denver CO  (which I will not cover in detail here - link will be provided) among the key results were reports of:

  • "Biological markers of brain injury, neuroinflammation and Alzheimer's correlate strongly with the presence of neurological symptoms in Covid-19 patients."
  • "Individuals experiencing cognitive decline post-Covid-19 infection were more likely to have low blood-oxygen levels following brief physical exertion as well as poor overall physical condition.

To me that means should one survive the virus - depending on what stage of Alzheimer's a person may be in, or even pre-diagnosis  -  without vaccination, he or she could still be in for a rough time.

Covid-19 and its pals "Variant Delta" and now "Variant Lambda" are out there, my friends, and as Dr. Anthony Fauci says "If a virus is left alone to replicate, it will mutate" and that is bad news for all of us.

Please get vaccinated and use masks and social distancing afterward!

Recommended Reading

Link To Alzheimer's Conference

Thanks for reading!



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