Alzheimer's Dementia "Case Study" Part 3

 Thanks for coming this far with me, -"Crash-Test Dummy Bill"- in exploring MCI ("Mild Cognitive Impairment")

Let's recap.

  • You've noticed yourself getting more forgetful than normal
  • You're more anxious - more impulsive in your day to day life
  • You're hesitant with your words - oftentimes forgetting them, even
  • And many many more, including depression, aggression and apathy
So you and your doctor have concluded that, yes, you are mildly impaired, cognitively.

What's next?

Before we get to that, remember I told you a few posts ago there are 10 kinds of dementia? (I may have written 11 before, but the figure has been revised.) Here they are:

  • Alzheimer's
  • Vascular
  • Lewy Body
  • Parkinson's'
  • Frontotemporal
  • Creuzfeld-Jakob (aka "Human Mad Cow Disease")
  • Wernicke-Korsakoff
  • Mixed
  • Huntington's Disease
  • Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
I told you about these so you wouldn't think Alzheimer's is the only type of dementia. None of the above are simply dealt with, so I hope for your sake that if you have it, you stay in MCI a looong time. You can deal with that, right? I knew you could. And what does "MCI" stand for? "Mild Cognitive Impairment", right again. I know I sound like a frustrated teacher and maybe I am, but I'd really like it if you'd work this terminology into your conversations.

I have lobbied for a while now to try and get "Disease" (In "Alzheimer's Disease") changed to "Alzheimer's Dementia" to no avail. Know someone of influence? There's a project for you.


So you have MCI. What are you and the "Crash-Test Dummy" (me) going to do about it?

Luckily for you and me even though there are currently no meds to treat MCI, and depending on your doctor - remember him, he's been invited to our party too? - there are some things to be done to lessen the symptoms of MCI. These include treating your elevated blood pressure if you have it; and depression; Adopting a healthier lifestyle is also recommended.

The above is not to say different meds haven't been tried. Aricept, Exelon and Reminyl were all prescribed for MCI, but proved largely ineffective. 

So this is where we are. At the "crossroads" - (to lapse into Class Valedictorian-Speak). You and I together, are dealing with MCI. From here, if our symptoms worsen, it's off to Neurology for an MRI to check what's going on in the brain, something we will discuss later, but not to any great depth. I feel I need to leave our doctors something to do! 😛

NOT The Beach Boys! Just some guys, but I'm still trying to get up off the floor!

Remember to get signed up for The Walk To End Alzheimer's


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