
Showing posts from September, 2009

"I Get Knocked Down, But I Get Up Again.....

... You're NEVER keep me down!" Ah, God, if I ever needed a "theme song", this one sent by my friend, Johnny L.A. is it! Just click on the title line above and sing along with Bill. :D For the last 6 months, my chin and ass have been draggin' like y'all wouldn't believe, but luckily, there are some folks who care about "The German Boy", and this past weekend (and this whole week) they haven't let me forget it! (I just re-read that "chin and ass" sentence up there, and it sounds like I'm sayin' the two might have actually met had it not been for mah "Kiddos"! *Whew*! Glad that didn't happen!) I am totally blessed and loved by my "Doper Kids" and my family "here" and "near", and believe me, "Ich weiß daß zu schätzen!" ("I know to treasure that!") Now, some news about why we're all here: The Alzheimer's "Memory Walk" is coming up here in Geor...

Ever Had Your Home "Staged/Organized"?

Staging/Organization is when you hire someone to organize your home so that things are easily found and accessible. An example can be found by clicking on the title of this blog entry. In the early days of my diagnosis, my counsellor Suzette, concerned about my short-term memory loss and resultant rages, recommended such a service to come out and set up my then-apartment where I could find things easier (and calmer!) I think they also do that "Kung-Fooie" (or whatever it's called) where they place everything so that it provides the person with a sense of well-being. Gives you a better ying-yang , which I think is near the ol' wazoo . So anyway, I was kinda thinking of learning how to do that for myself rather than hire someone to do it, but I think I better make notes where I put stuff and then study them so I can find that stuff again, huh? Quick update on the CBT: It's gonna be a bit tougher to do that on a daily (or three times a week) basis, since the big hos...


Y'all have read my comments about my " Doper " friends ( before, but what I'm about to relate to you now is a prime example of how "close-knit" a family we are. I haven't written too much about this, but since this past March, things ain't been too rosy for the "German Boy" as far as finances go. Still waiting on the SSDI to start, so with my pension and what D makes, we are barely scraping by. People who know me personally know that in addition to being a smart-ass and yes, arrogant, I am also proud to a fault and find it very difficult to ask anyone for a favor. Well, that all changed last Friday morning when I asked my "Doper Kids" if they could help me out in getting some way past-due bills paid, and boy-howdy if they didn't just take that ball and run with it! Due to their kindness and generosity, we are able to pay off some credit cards in addition to keeping the IRS "a...

Today's Guest Columnist: BECKS

A few days ago I wrote a blog entitled "Are we Being Sucked Into A Black Hole?", and although Becky wrote this in the comments section, sometimes someone says something so profound and meaningful that you just wanna share it and that's what I'm doing here, with her permission: You may wish to re-read the Black Hole blog entry and then come back here =============================================================================== First off, I think some of us have felt we have been sucked into some sort of a black hole and trying to climb out most of our lives. How many times have we heard or been told that the end is coming over many generations? Yes the world has and still is going to hell in a hand basket, most of it, out of our control, nuthin much we can do, except do our own tiny part in our own lives. Higher power? I WANT to believe that, BUT, to what extreme do we have to be tested? Hasn't it been proven, in all ultimate ways, that we as humans have done a p...

This Just In!

Didn't have to be admitted to psych/rehab center, since I'm not gonna kill myself and am not abusing any substances. So what we're gonna do instead is have me go for intensive cognitive behavior therapy on an out-patient basis from 9-3 beginning next week. Admittedly, I don't know what it all entails, but I am envisioning a black latex clad nurse with a swastika armband striking me repeatedly with a whip, and yelling: Nurse: "Das ist ein Vipp! Now (slap) was ist dass???" Bill: "Ein Vipp, Ein Vipp!" Nurse: "Ist das not ein gooter Vipp?" Bill: " Ja das ist ein gooter Vipp!" Nurse: " Vipp-Vipp-Vipp "? Bill: "Ach ja ! Vipp-Vipp-Vipp!" I wonder if her name will be (Nurse) "Diesel" or "Ratched"? *Sigh* One can only hope! Heh-Heh! Now my next job will be to get all the Hustler and Playboy mags secretly hidden under the liner of my gym bag back to their hiding place before D sees 'em! So sinc...

If You Don't Hear From Me For A While.....

..... it will be because I've been admitted somewhere for some extra help with the depression/dementia. Today (this am) is my appointment, but I'm not 100% sure what he'll do. Since I haven't been sleeping, he may just prescribe a sleep aid and/or change some more meds. Don't forget to click to feed and vote, thanks! Well doesn't THAT one just "fit the Bill?) ;)

Dementia Update on Me

Click on the title of the entry to learn more, but the meds just aren't doing "the job", and I am tired of being a burden on D, so when I go to see my "shrink" this Friday, I'm just going to ask him to admit me somewhere so I can get some intensive Cognitive Behavorial Therapy. I hate this about myself, and I hate being a burden on my wife and family, so this will be a "last gasp" effort to get "The German Boy" back on track, so to speak. I'm bereft. EVERYTHING has been taken away. It's all gone. Bill

How About A Little More From My "Cousin" Ray?

This guy's animation is fantastic and you will be seeing some more of his videos. I hope you enjoy this, and a great big "THANK YOU" to Lurkmeister from The Straight Dope for helping me find it! Please remember to click to feed and vote every day , y'all! Paulding Humane is in 12th place today. I'd like to see them win this time. Thanks! Bill

35 Million People With Dementia

The title will take you to the Alzheimer's website. Also please remember The Memory Walk. In Carrollton and Atlanta it's on 10.17.09 You can also do a "Virtual Walk". Click on the box on the site. Remember, every 70 seconds someone is diagnosed with Dementia and chances are you know of someone with the disease. The US is way behind other countries (Australia for example) in dealing with it, and we call ourselves a "world leader"? I was gonna replay you "Old Friends" by Simon and Garfunkel, but when I did a search, I found this one instead. Hope you like it. First time I ever heard it. Also, please remember the four-legged ones. It's not their fault our world is so effed up, and we domesticated them ! Please also vote for Paulding Humane after clicking to feed. Thanks! Bill

Sometimes, I Just Need To Make Folks LAFF!

That's me in the studio, recording "M for Maggie". So this time, I ain't got nuttin' on mah mind, but hopefully making y'all smile or laff! BTW: Ray Stevens? Down here in West Georgia, EVERYBODY'S his "cousin" (I don't care HOW many times removed!) Ray's "Family Tree" must not have any branches on it, is all I can figger! Please don't forget the fur-babies, okay? Thanks and have a GREAT week comin' up, y'all! B~

THESE Are My "Doper" Friends.......

(Click on the title and scroll UP!) ....... and they hurt and bleed just as much as you and I do. Even from a "distance". In case I don't say it enough, I love you. Bill

More Pot Pourri: Are We Being Sucked Into A Black Hole?

Y'all know what those , are right? If not, click on the title of this entry and it will take you to a wiki definition. "Well, what a question , Bill!" Yeah, well... watched the History Channel lately? Some serious apocalyptic stuff on there. Learned a lot about the Mayans while on vacation recently. I found a novel: "01-01-00" by RJ Pineiro, which while copyrighted 1999 , and relates to Y2K does mention the accurate Mayans who predict that 12.10.2012 is the day we bite the big one. "You're being a defeatist , Bill" No, I'm not. And neither am I being a fanatic believer in "rescue comets", and y'all know where I stand on religion. Big question mark there , even though my sweet D believes, and I just marvel at her devoutness. Let's just say I'm being a realist with an open, humorous (and yes) sarcastic mind. What I'm saying is, there doesn't seem to be a "magic bullet". The US is trillions in debt, and k...

"What I Did On My Vacation" By "Billy" Craig, Third Grade. Ms. Becky's Room

First, I didn't really wanna come. Then, I got made to.....come. *smirk* Then, we got here and I have a broke leg. Next, we opened up the balcony door and listened to the oshun (sp?) Then, all the wimmen and my brother-in-law, Wayne, got in their swim-suits (in diffr'nt rooms!) I didn't bring my trunks, on accounta I knew I'd get stuck in the sand with this boot on, and wouldn't be able to do nothing but pivot in one place with my good leg while gettin' laughed at! So, I stayed in this room and worked on the pooter writing this blog. Then, the next thing what happened, was I talked to Wayne in our bedroom about how much he misses his Betty and how glad the rest of us were that he decided to come with us, even though "Bett" wasn't here. Unbeknownded to me , this trip has been made (off and on) for 20(!) years, and the trip always began and ended with a prayer by "Bett" for God to keep them all safe. So when we got down here, we figgered ...

"To Sleep, Perchance To Dream....."

One of the many meds I take, Primadon, really knocks me out, so I take only half a dose twice during the day, and a full dose at night. But , it really makes me have some very vivid dreams, and they aren't all nightmares. Some of them are quite pleasant, and some are..... "sequential" - by which I mean, something will happen in one sleep cycle, I'll wake up, go back to sleep and it will continue in the next. In some of my dreams, I have had such pleasurable experiences as meeting my late parents again. My Mom beautiful in her evening gown, dancing with my Dad, looking very handsome and regal in his Army "dress blues". My Mom, who was, in my opinion, bipolar, would speak to me and tell me that "everything's fine, Billy", while my Dad would look at her with love in his eyes - which rarely happened in real life. I have also "met" old girlfriends again, and, even though they are still very much alive, in my dreams we are able to "r...


Raining here, and will be for the next week. As for anything else, I suppose the old adage, "You can dress him up, but you can't take him out", applies to me, since D informed me I made an inappropriate comment at dinner last night when I asked everyone, if they had any dollar bills in their wallets or purses? All of them answered in the affirmative, whereupon I asked "Well have you ever wodered if they've been in the butt-crack of some stripper?" (I read that on some web-site and thought it was hilariously funny) Silence followed by a little "nervous" laughter, and a chastising BILL ! from D. I think she later explained and apologized for me, but this is happening a lot lately and I think it is one of the symtoms of the dementia. It also begs the question: Why can I remember jokes, and dialogue from favorite movies, and even (if I were to go back to acting in little theatre) scripted lines, but yet I can't remember where, only seconds ago, I ...

I'm Not Dead Yet!

Sorry I haven't posted to the blog in a few days, y'all, but I just really haven't felt like even being on the computer, plus, there are some pictures I'd like for y'all to see and I can't upload them, because me and D keep forgetting to buy new batteries! =================================================================================== Here is what my sweet friend "Becks" wrote, Sorry y'all have to copy and paste, but I forgot how to create links (sucks to be me ah reckon! :) =================================================================================== We, me, are very limited in our area for specialist in the field of dementia and have been disappointed that we can't get the best of care. Also here is a site that you can locate different clinical trials going on for various things. Not specifically for any one trial -- but for the sake of locating offices/doc's who are at least actively looking for something more than what the...

Pot Pourri Day

Every now and then, you'll see one of these blog entries: Not on any one particular subject. just "stuff" that's rolling around in my brain..... First off, there's a little feller who's had a tough time of it recently. His name is Murphy, and he's Suzette's "baby" and that's him up top, there. Suzette tells me that Murphy got a hold of some plastic, ate it, needed surgery and then the sutures burst internally, so it was "touch and go" for a while, but she says the worst is over and he's on the road to recovery. He'll be with her at the Alzeimer's Memory Walk in October wearing a purple collar, and there's gonna be some more pics of him between now and then.... Second, I'm slowly going crazy (ier) up here in the bedroom with nothing to do but read, surf, blog, eat and go to the bathroom. I was using the cane, but then opted for the crutches and then just one crutch, because it's so "close quarters...