Podcast Update

Hey Folks!

I know: "Promises, Promises", right? 😁

I am sorry it's taking so long, but as I have written before, Priority I is and always will be Dondra, my wife, who is in Stage IV of her kidney disease, and I have been concentrating my efforts into taking care of her. As I am sure you know, being a caregiver is a full time job.

Luckily, however, my friends and partners Jenni and Jon (editor, producer; sound, director and producer) have been hard at work getting things ready on their end and since I work well with deadlines (most of the time) from my days as a journalist, they have given me certain assignments to prepare. Because they are and have been so understanding, I can work under those circumstances. 

I don't want to jinx the program by naming a launch date, so I will hold off for now until we all three are satisfied that we will have for you will be both informative and enjoyable.

So thanks very much for being what Stephen King calls my "Constant Reader" and all three of us thank you for your patience.

Jenni, Jon and Bill


Zwuckel1952 said…
Keine Probleme beim anmelden!! Liebe Grüsse aus Dalmatien

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