"Once More Around The Sun, Dear Friends; Once More!"

I'm sure Shakespeare won't mind me doing some verbal theft and restructuring of the first line of  "Henry V". ๐Ÿ˜‰

It refers of course, to our "Spaceship Earth" completing one more orbit around our star in a year's time. In my  case, exactly one year - since I began the 71st orbit of my life this morning. Yes, I was born on the 31st of December  and that makes me 70.

So if you'd like to think of it that way with me, we all began our new orbit at 12:00:01 today, January 1st.

I wish all of you, dear readers, a happy and successful New Year and I hope those of us who live in America will join in whatever way is possible, to fix our broken country. Hate crimes, mostly of a religious nature have become the rule rather than the exception and this needs to stop.

Be that as it may, one of the good  things of 2019. is pictured below. I hope you'll forgive a great-grandfather's pride in the showing of one more photo.

In closing, for 2020, I'd like to quote Garrison Keillor: "Be well, do good work, and keep in touch".

Thanks for all the visits to the blog as well and I hope you enjoy the John Lennon tune below the photo!



Anonymous said…
Ich wรผnsche dir alles alles Gute, viel Positives im neuen Lebensjahr und viel Freude und Zeit mit dem kleinen Christopher.

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