Howdy....... New Settings.......Going Home Again........ And Stuff


Sorry it's been a while, but as in real life, when I have nothing to say, I tend to keep my pie hole shut.

It's been "same ol'same ol' " for quite a while, but if you know of my daily activities then you are pretty much up to date. Till now.

Some of my friends who read the blog on a regular basis, have told me they haven't been able to "get in" due to my "by invitation only" setting. This has now been changed to "Public View" and my apologies to Eileen and everyone else I inadvertently shut out. The previous setting was because I was getting some mean-spirited comments which I thought could be seen by everyone else, but I had forgotten that I can control the comment content. So D'oh!

One thing I need to advise you about: you'll see a menu item advising you you're headed into "adult content" territory and do you still want to enter? As the heading states, it is "mild adult content", so suit yourself. No porn, I promise!

I'll be going home to Germany in September for two weeks. I used to only go for maybe 7-10 days, but that was while I was working, so this time I was able to schedule myself for a bit more time to relax, meet my family, some new friends and old friends. The new friends will be the band Copper Smoke an alternative country rock band based in Germany and I hope to be able to actually sit in on the drums with them. Copper Smoke and another new friend, Markus Rill 
have had their music featured here on the blog and I will be looking forward to hopefully meeting Markus as well. He has a tight tour schedule, but I located myself close to his gigs, so I hope it works out for all of us.

As some of you know, music is my passion and it will be a great treat to play and talk in person to some fellow musicians, which I have not been able to do since my diagnosis in 2008.

Pictures and video will be featured here. I can't wait and have already begun writing up my packing list and activities.

I had mixed emotions about the trip, because as I stated many times, I don't like to go into debt for a vacation. However, after giving it a lot of thought, I thought to myself, "Why not? Who knows how much longer you'll be on the planet, so go for it!"

So I'm going for it!

This entry is about going back to college at age 64. In a previous post, I mentioned that I wanted to apply here at The University of West Georgia, my Alma mater, to finish up some courses, but that I can't get a straight answer about the costs involved. One entity says, "The courses are free, but you'd be liable for over $900.00 for activity fees." The governing board of the State University System says, "Everything is free except lab fees and books."

So I am at a standstill. I've contacted my congressman, but as yet I've received no reply and that's been 5 months ago. I do have some friends in the University here, and I'm going to contact them to see what they can do to help.

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That's it, my friends. As always, please help me feed unwanted animals by clicking the link below. Thanks, and I love you guys!

The Animal Rescue Site


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