Dondra's Birthday & Other Stuff

Yup, Dondra's birthday is the 11th, and I know she'd enjoy getting some well-wishes from our friends. She may be found on Facebook if you don't want to leave a comment here. I've taken care of my end, having gotten her favorite perfume which I ordered online. Speaking of which, since I've become very much a private person, my computer has really helped a lot in keeping in touch and keeping myself occupied.

In other news, I'm still busy being "Brian Epstein" to COPPER SMOKE, an American Roots Rock band based in Würtzburg, Germany. I'm their unofficial PR rep here in the US, but they badly need some talent representation over there. They're booking their own gigs and doing their own publicity on various sites, but they badly need their "chance", because they're terrific musicians and Frank Halbig is a great songwriter.


The weather here is a little unusual. As I write we're waiting on a tropical storm/hurricane to come up our East Coast, and it's really too early for hurricane season. Speaking with D a few days ago, we were talking about the climate-change "nay-sayers". Haven't heard much out of them recently.


Something I didn't know (or chose not to know): The Alzheimer's Association has "competition". I put that word in quotes because that was the way it was said to me. In the words of Paul Simon, "I have no opinion about that..." other than my hope that they don't confuse things any worse than they already are. This is my opinion (and you can quote me). Much is lacking in the way of Alzheimer's Dementia education - especially in the case of our young. For instance, the name itself is, in my opinion misleading. People have come to know it as "Alzheimer's Disease", and that's okay - as far as it goes. But it is also a dementia - one of 11 - and here's where the confusion comes in: when we try to let folks know that AD comes under the heading of dementias, the lay person is apt to ask us, "Well, what is it? A disease or a dementia?", and we need to change this and call it Alzheimer's Dementia and let the fact that it is a mental disease be understood.

Agree? Disagree? Got a better idea? Write me a note.

And yes, educating our young: Many of them are already helping to take care of parents or grandparents when they should be studying or most important of all, having fun. There's a wealth of information that needs to be taught about Alzheimer's Dementia in our secondary schools and it just isn't being done. I have been waiting to hear back from our State's (GA) Education Secretary to see how the problem can be best resolved, and as soon as I do, I will print the information here.


That's it, everything else is status quo and I hope y'all are doing great as well.
Check ya next time!

This is Markus Rill, a friend of Copper Smoke's Frank Halbig: ======================================================

Please join me in helping to feed and house unwanted animals by clicking on the icon below, thanks.

The Animal Rescue Site


Margaret said…
Hi Bill, I didn't know you and Dondra were on Facebook. Your name isn't on the Straight Dopers group page (there is a list of Dopers who are on FB too).

Please give my best wishes to Dondra on her birthday. I wish her good health, happiness, and serenity. I hope that on her special day she is surrounded by those she loves and who love her.
Hugs to her, take good care of her, Bill,
P.S. On FB, I'm the only Margaret Ann Buckley from Montreal. :)
Bill Craig said…
Hi, Margaret

I certainly will convey your very sweet birthday wishes to Dondra and am on my way to requesting to friend you on FB.

And of course, I will treasure her and take care of her as long as I can. :)

Thanks for the note!


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