Julian Craig ("Top Cat") Is In Da House!
"Live today. Tomorrow is promised to no one" -- Proverbs 27:1 Julian is my 12 year old grandson and he's spending 3 weeks with us. I always enjoy his visits because he's such a good kid, very polite and like his Dad and myself, very good with animals. Yesterday he and his dad Jason (he and his wife Susan live with us in a small basement apartment) put together a mountain bike made from spare and junk parts gotten from a local bike shop's trash box and then went cycling together, Jason riding my bicycle, a Trek 1000. Anyway, Dondra and I are spoiling "TC" and are pretending while he is here, that he's our son even though we do have to share him. ================================================ ================================================ D o I love and care about Julian and my readers? ================================================= ================================================= That's it for today, but before I go, I want ...