
Showing posts from December, 2010

Some "End Of The Year" Thoughts

Whew! Another year almost "in the can", and in 17 days I'll be another year older ("and deeper in debt" for sure!), and that's scary as hell to me. See, I have a fear of death that is almost pathological in nature. Physical health for a 60 year old guy: Not bad, I reckon. Still walking and so far no symptoms of anything serious. Mental health: Well, that's a whole 'nother story, innit? Been doing my best to keep perspective on that, though at times I've caught myself doing and saying goofy shit, hallucinated at least once and lord at the times I've forgotten stuff which was said to me just minutes ago! My "saving grace" this year has been the ride for the animals (gave me something to do) and my continued friendship with BillDL and Becks. I tell you, there were times this past year when I could have gone completely batshit had it not been for those two. Speaking of the animals and their welfare: The "war" between the auth...