It Ain't About Me Today.....

It's about my SIL who is fighting for her life.

Her husband and three daughters have been constantly at her side, and me and D are goin' back and forth and trying to be there as much as we can.

We talk to her one at a time, so we don't confuse her, and we remind her of all the things she loved and loved to do.

Right now her respirations are in the high 20's (still to be expected after coming off the vent)but they really need to slow to 12-16 pretty soon, and as I said before, the bloodwork needs to stay normal.

The last time I saw her was at Cracker Barrel, where we all gather for everyone's birthday, and she and I had a small disagreement about Hank Williams Sr., her favorite singer.

She said she thought a song about "changing locks" was one of his "cutest" songs, and I told her it was Move It On Over, but she disagreed
with me, so I did a search and found only this one:

I'm looking forward to playing it for her when she recovers enough, but in the meantime, we'll all keep her in our thoughts, and for the next few blogs, don't be surprised if you see some Hank Williams YouTubes, okay?

One more day to click and vote, Kids.

My friend on The Straight Dope, John says we ought to at least move Paulding Humane Society into the "Top Ten", and I agree, so please:click your little hearts out, and get others to do so, as well!

The Animal Rescue Site




peacesojourner said…
I just read your post this evening - what is the first name of your s-i-l? I believe in the power of prayer and will pray for her speedy recovery and for your family.
Margaret said…
Keeping your SIL in my thoughts, Bill.

I hope Paulding Humane Society reaches 10th at least too, it would be a sort of prize for the daily, often twice-daily (from the office) votes.

The site is interesting and I've bookmarked it. Many of my friends are cat people and some of the items would be cute gifts.

Take care, and I hope your SIL's breathing and vitals improve NOW!!
Bill Craig said…
Betty is still hanging in there! She has a long road back, and thoughs and prayers are totally appreciated!



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