So No SSDI For the German Boy
Got my letter of denial a week ago and I can appeal. A friend of mine also said that I should have my local Congressman do an inquiry and we're going to do that as well. This just gets "better and better", doesn't it? No job, only a small pension and facing bankruptcy next month. While I'm at it, I may as well tell you the rest. I had D admit me to Ridgeview Institute for suicidal ideations and regulations of my meds which I had been cutting back on to save money. I spent 4 nights there and got out the 23rd. No, I didn't do Christmas with the family. I stayed home and played my guitar. Even though they they upped my meds, I'm still pretty much an emotional train wreck and I wasn't going to "snow" on anyone's Christmas Parade. The family understands how things are with me, but my little grandson Julian doesn't. Don't bother laying a "guilt trip" on me or telling me that I was "depriving" him of his "Opa...