A Visit - Not A GOOD Visit, But A Visit.......

....... with my uncle in East Germany. We met at a restaurant, spent about an hour together and then he had to be driven back home.

I was disappointed that I wasn't invited to his home, but I think I understand. I left by train an hour later and got back in at ten last night.

One more night in Rothenburg and then to Frankfurt for some last minute shopping and then home on Thursday.

Remember the Oprah e-mails suggesting she do a show on Early Onset Alzheimer's?

I have now enlisted the help of thousands of Straight Dope Members to send e-mails to her as well, so maybe she will take the hint.

The Straight Dope is a message board I have belonged to since 2000, and the people there are wonderful.

How'm I doing?

Okay I guess, but as I predicted, I am stutterign in German and also forgetting words thatz I should know.

My friend Peter says the forgetting of words isn't too noticeable, because I do sometimes have to "fish" for them even in German, my first language.

Thanks for visiting. Snow should hit tomorrow (Wednesday) so I hope to see it while I am in Frankfurt.

All the best



Anonymous said…
Hey Bill!

How long has your uncle lived in East Germany? How far does he live beyond where the "Wall" was? Did you talk about your mother with him? Say "Hi" to Peter for me.

Have a good trip back to the states.

Later, Tom
Ttom said…
I didn't know that your uncle lives in East Germany. How far over the old "Wall" is it to his home? What town does he live in? What were conditions in that area during WW2? Did you both talk about your mother?

Have a good trip home.

Later dude!
Anonymous said…
I am glad you got a chance to see your uncle, even if it wasn't a very long visit, I hope you see snow. *HUGS* Enjoy the rest of your trip hon, and hopefully I'll talk to you at the end of the week
Bill Craig said…
For Tom and Beth

Uncle Berndt has lived in East Germany all his life, and he lives about 300 kilometers east of Berlin where the wall used to be.

I too used to live in East Germany - when it was Communist-occupied, so your pal Bill used to be a little Commie running around in his Lederhosen beatin' on a drum.

Notice I DIDN'T say: "Commie-Pinko- Bedwetter" ;)

Beth: Yeah, I have mixed emotions about that, bjut I felt like I needed to make the effort.


Ttom said…
Leder-hose-nose Bill,

Hope you get feeling better. How did your family ended up in Rottenbugh?

I never got the opportunity to visit East Berlin. While I was there the Army would allow GIs to visit East Berlin via a secured train through East Germany. But due to my clearance I was not allowed to go. That always bugged me as I got to see most of the rest of Europe. Never crossed the English Channel either. That was by choice, too much else to see, do and drink!

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