This is a very tricky thing with me: it manifests itself in a couple of ways - one of which makes my conversation partner think I may be hard of hearing. (I am - too much loud rock in the many bands I played drums in , in my younger days). So what usually happens in the "Are you hard of hearing?" scenario is this: 1. I may really not have understood a sentence, and I will guess at what was said and respond with something completely unrelated to what was talked about, causing my conversation partner to say " Huh? " and then he or she will repeat what was said a little slower until I "get" it. Secondly, my mind has "taken a vacation" 2. I may have shut out the whole thing (hearing but not listening) and then, when time comes for me to reply, I will again reply with something "off the wall". Sometimes I will forget a co-worker's name - someone I see on a regular basis and when he or she speaks to me, calling me by name, and I canno