Regrets? There's Been A Bunch

I've always liked that Frank Sinatra (written by Paul Anka) tune, but never liked the part where he sings, "......too few to mention". Bullshit. I bet if some thought were given to it, that phrase could be written the way it appears above.

I'll talk about a few of my own while I still have a little time remaining on the planet. I'm sure the list will be added to and amended several times throughout the course of this little diary/blog or whatever you'd like to call this drivel you're kind enough to read!

It's your call as to whether what I'm about to write has any merit, but it does need to be written down and remembered. Consider it a "work in progress" ("regress"?)
My first regret (note I did not write "deepest") is that I never "forgave" my Dad for bringing me, my Mom and my brother to the USA. I had many opportunities to do so; the very last one as I watched him die. I was with him almost constantly (my Dad was also my patient) at the end and although we (I) spoke of many things, this one was never mentioned.

Why not?

More than likely it's because I'm a self-centered SOB and deserve that "narcissistic" label a former SO hung on me.

Ever notice how close those acronyms (Significant Other and Son Of a Bitch) are to each other? Just add one letter and you go from a loving relationship to a hateful one.

So yeah. I was majorly pissed off being "torn away" from my home country, Germany, and "dragged" over here.

My mistake was allowing that grudge against my father to follow me into adulthood. No matter what I may have felt in the beginning, this wonderful man was only doing what he thought was best for the little family he'd begun in post-World War II Germany. I don't know what would have transpired had I not awakened in New York (I was given a sedative because I kept running away at the airport) USA, but I do know I've been given some golden opportunities here and I should not ever forget this.

I just noticed a huge error in a paragraph above which I will not correct because it's further evidence of my "Me-me-me" personality. Did you catch it as well?

I wrote: ".....I never forgave my Dad.......".

What the hell, Bill????

It should have been me asking his forgiveness, dammit!!!!
I can already see that this "regrets" thing is going to involve more than just a 1-2-3 list if it's going to make any sense to me or to you, so we'll let this entry be "Installment Number 1", if that's okay with y'all?
It was 19 degrees here in West Georgia during the night, and while talking to my good friend Trace in Mississipi online last evening, he excused himself to go and let their three dogs (he and his wife adopt rescues) in, and it made me think of all the unwanted pets who don't have a warm place to spend the night (or any part of a day). So, as I always do, I'll ask you to consider adopting a pet from your local shelter - an elderly dog or cat if possible - and give them a forever home.

If you can't, then please click on my icon at the bottom of this blog entry to help keep them fed.

Thanks Y'all!

The Animal Rescue Site


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