Goodbye, Norine (norinew)

It is with a great deal of sadness I must say goodbye to a friend and faithful follower of this blog. Norine New passed away recently after an extended illness I did not know she had.

Norine was one of the many "Doper" friends from my online community, "The Straight Dope", who helped Dondra and I so much during what we have come to know as "The Troubles" in both our lives after I lost my job, filed bankruptcy and endured the long haul of obtaining my disability. Had it not been for her e-mails and posts of encouragement on the Dope, the way would have been much harder for us, and we are both very grateful to have been a part of her life, brief though it was.

We didn't know each other face to face, no, but from what I do know, she is a follower of the Bahai'i faith ('%C3%AD_Faith), a gentle people who came together for Norine's "Celebration of Life" this week.

You may visit her tribute page online by clicking on the title of the entry and if you care to contribute, a list of her charities appears below her announcement.

Goodbye, Norine, I will miss your kind and loving heart and we will never forget you.

Bill and Dondra Craig


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